A few updates: Senior Day is now on Mondays instead of Wednesdays! There is NO smoking in Splashtown USA, Smoking is ONLY allowed in the smoking section in Funtown USA. Thank you and have a great day!
Updates: Senior Day is on Mondays instead of Wednesdays! NO smoking in Splashtown USA - Smoking ONLY allowed in the smoking section in Funtown USA.

Cormier and Dallaire formed a partnership. This is when Funtown USA was born. During this year Funtown USA added a “Zipper”, outdoor bumper cars, Merry-Go-Round, and the “Luv Machine” (Bayun Kurve). The bumper cars were replaced by the bumper car building. If you take a look at the area around the bumper cars you can still see the original concrete pad for the outdoor bumper cars. The “Luv Machine” was only at the park for a limited time, this was located where the Red Baron Planes are now.

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